SOP Central becomes Work Central

SOP Central has been one of our most beloved product suites due to its unparalleled ability to sync up communications, modernise policies and standard operating procedures and it’s user-friendly interface.

SOP Central has been one of our most beloved product suites due to its unparalleled ability to sync up communications, modernise policies and standard operating procedures and it’s user-friendly interface. One thing that hasn’t been so loved about it; its name. That’s why we have decided to change the name SOP Central to Work Central

While the name of the module has changed, the features of the module remain the same. Work Central hosts all your policies, procedures, best-practices, recipes, etc. and maps them out to all training programs, operations manuals, intranet blasts and much more. With Work Central, you never have to worry about miscommunication! Our Single Point of Truth (SPOT) system keeps your message consistent and when you update your content, it's automatically updated everywhere. 

Pro tip: mark your most important content as “required reading” and it will automatically notify your users with an email and an in-app notification!

This name encompasses the great abilities of the module, rather than reducing them to one function. Work Central is about much more than just your SOP’s, it’s used to house everything you need to work effectively and achieve operational excellence every day!

If you’re already using Work Central and want to optimise your use of the module, email our amazing support team at

Alternatively, if you want to learn more about the module, visit the Work Central page, or schedule a live demo with a product specialist today!

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