Solving the problem of company communication

Creating a culture of collaboration and trust is no easy feat. While many companies work tirelessly to promote an inclusive environment, some employees are

Creating a culture of collaboration and trust is no easy feat. While many companies work tirelessly to promote an inclusive environment, some employees are resistant to change. They’re afraid that their ideas won’t be heard, or they feel as though they will face unnecessary backlash if they speak up. The good news is that there are countless ways to bring people together and foster a culture of collaboration at your company. If you’re willing to put in the time and effort, you can create an open environment where everyone feels comfortable speaking up without being attacked for it. By taking action now, you will not only build stronger relationships in the future but also increase employee engagement at your company. Let’s explore how to solve communication problems at your company:

Create a culture of transparency and constant feedback

It doesn’t matter how well employees communicate if they aren’t open about their successes and failures. There’s no point in having a team meeting about goals if no one knows what happened in the past month. 

If you want people to feel comfortable revealing their ideas and successes, you need to create a culture where those who do so aren’t punished or ignored. You can do this by creating a culture of transparency and constant feedback. Before every team meeting and project, hold a short brainstorming session where you ask employees to brainstorm ideas for how they could improve the company. If you don’t do this, you will miss out on great ideas and insights. 

Additionally, when you receive feedback on projects and goals, take the time to write an e-mail or message to your team thanking them for their feedback and insight. This will show people that you actually care about what they have to say and will take their criticism seriously.

Celebrate wins and growth

Successful companies acknowledge and celebrate wins and growth. When employees aren’t recognised for their achievements, they’re much more likely to be disengaged and feel unappreciated. Additionally, they will be less likely to pick up new skills and have a growth mindset, knowing that their efforts don’t go recognised. 

To foster a culture of celebration, create a team ritual where team members get together to celebrate wins, congratulate each other on small milestones, and recognize people on a personal level. If you don’t have a team ritual, it’s easy to fall into the trap of forgetting to celebrate wins. 

You can also fall into the trap of trying to overdo it when it comes to team celebrations. Instead of a team hangout where everyone is trying to celebrate and be festive, a better approach is to schedule regular team hangouts. This allows you to celebrate wins but avoid overdoing it and making the wins meaningless. 

Hold frequent team meetings

If you’re like most managers, you probably make a list of the things that need to be done. As soon as the list is complete, you check it off. While this method might work if you’re the only one who is checking things off the list, it doesn’t work so well if you have a team. 

To solve communication problems at your company, you should have frequent team meetings where everyone comes together to discuss the things that need to be done and ways to improve as a whole. This will help you avoid the trap of checking things off the list without including everyone on the team. Frequent team meetings, whether that be online or in person can greatly improve efficiency of communication and just help break down those barriers - but be careful not to overdo it!

Hold regular one-on-ones

One-on-ones are a great opportunity for employees to discuss their goals and needs. If your company doesn’t have a system in place for providing these conversations, you are likely missing a huge opportunity for growth. Establish a policy where everyone receives one-on-ones with a manager regularly - we like weekly meetings, but maybe fortnightly or monthly is better for your team. 

You can also use this as an opportunity for employees to vent their frustrations and get support from their manager. If an employee wants help overcoming a communication problem or is frustrated with some internal processes, you can use this as an opportunity to help them. When employees are frustrated, they often feel as though they are alone in their struggle. This is both dangerous and harmful to a company’s culture. 


Communication problems often happen when people fear the consequences of speaking up. With so many distractions and outlets to release feelings and frustrations, many people don’t know how to talk to their supervisor or even talk to their coworkers.

If you truly want to solve communication problems at your company, you must understand how to talk to people who work for you. It’s important to remember that everyone has different needs and wants, which is why you must learn how to talk to people who work for you. 

No one knows how to solve communication problems better than someone who is experiencing them. With that being said, use the tips and strategies outlined in this article to create an inclusive environment for all your employees.

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