Why you need to implement a Work Health & Safety System today

Workplace injuries cost the world’s economy $1 trillion every year. In fact, in Western industrial countries, worker health and safety spending is on par w

Workplace injuries cost the world’s economy $1 trillion every year. In fact, in Western industrial countries, worker health and safety spending is on par with the defence budget. When you consider that workplaces worldwide are not always safe and secure, it’s not surprising that people want to know how they can protect their employees and minimise the risks of injury or illness. With a work health and safety system (WHSS), you can protect your employees from injury or illness by providing them with training and education, as well as by identifying potential hazards so they can be removed from the workplace. This blog will explain why you need a WHSS, what typically makes a good WHSS and other useful information about an effective system for protecting your workers.

What Is a Work Health & Safety System?

When people hear the terms ‘work health and safety’, they often assume that it’s about keeping workers safe by enforcing strict regulations and rules. Work health and safety, in actual fact, is a broad term that describes the overall health and safety of workers—whether on the job or while they’re at home recovering from an injury. Work health and safety systems are the tools, practices, and procedures that businesses use to keep workers safe. They consider the laws and regulations that apply to the industry, the job requirements, the environment, and the resources that each business has to manage risks.

Why You Need A Work Health And Safety System

When someone is injured on the job, it can impact both their physical and mental health, as well as their future career prospects. It can also have a big financial impact on your organisation. 

With a good WHSS, you can minimise these costs by reducing the risk of injury. When you have a WHSS in place, you can help your employees avoid getting injured on the job. You can also help them avoid becoming ill and reduce stress - meaning they are less likely to get a stress-related illness that results in absences from work.

Benefits of an Effective WHSS

  • Minimises Risk: WHSS helps employees avoid injury at work. They can also help them avoid the risk of stress-related and mental illness. 
  • Cost Savings: A good WHSS can reduce the risk of occupational injury, as well as help you avoid the costs of compensation claims. It can also help you avoid safety violations, which can result in fines, penalties, or even the closure of your business. 
  • Better Decisions: A WHSS helps you make better decisions about workplace safety, such as determining the ‘critical control points’ within your organisation’s facility or determining which hazards need to be removed or controlled.

Key Components of a Good Work Health & Safety System

Every WHSS is different, and some businesses have many different WHSS systems. But there are some key components that all successful systems have in common. 

  • Training: A good WHSS provides training to employees. This can include training on local regulations, how to use equipment and tools safely, first aid and CPR, and other important health and safety topics. 
  • Risk Assessment: A good WHSS conducts risk assessments to determine which hazards need to be controlled or removed from the workplace. These can be easily and well achieved through location and just general auditing.
  • Document Management: A good WHSS keeps track of all documents and records related to health and safety. This includes policies, procedures, training materials, audits, records, inspection and monitoring reports, and other relevant information.


Workers need to feel safe and comfortable at work, and a WHSS can help them do that. If you have a good system, employees will be more confident when they’re on the job and less likely to worry about health and safety. A WHSS can also help you comply with government regulations, such as regulations related to health and safety. A good WHSS can help you identify hazards, control them, and keep track of your records. It can also help you meet regulatory requirements, such as those related to safety inspections. A WHSS provides many benefits, and it’s worth investing in one that’s right for your business.

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